The most effective way for your body to process magnesium is thru the skin.
Cool Magnesium Products
Belly Oil: applying the belly oil with the magnesium into the button can penetrate the oils throughout the body. Ingredients: castor oil, Almond Oil, MCT, epson salt, magnesium glycerinate, magnesium citrate, wintergreen, peppermint, lavender
Spray: spray in the bottom of the feet, neck, head, or belly. Ingredients: water, witch hazel, epson salt, magnesium glycerinate, magnesium citrate, wintergreen, peppermint, lavender
Scrub:exfoliate while getting the amazing benefits of magnesium. Ingredients: white and brown sugar, Himalayan sea salt, epson salt, organic coconut oil, magnesium glycerinate, magnesium citrate, wintergreen, peppermint, lavender